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Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School

With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35

Collective Worship



Our theme for the first half of the spring term is Courage and how we can display this in everyday life. Please see the home school links below to see what you can do to support us at home!




Our theme for collective worship in the second half of this term is Compassion. The Home School links will help you to discuss this with your child and to share this theme with them.

Home School Links - Compassion

Home / School Links


Out first theme for this academic year is Generosity. Look at all the things that you can do below to support your child.

Home School Links: Generosity - Autumn One

Truth and Truthfulness


For the final half term of this academic year our theme is Truth and Truthfulness. Please see the document below for links to the activities.

Home School Links for Summer Two 2023 - Truthfulness



This half term our Chrisitian theme for Collective Worship is Service. Please have a look at the activities that you can do with your child at home to support us!

Home School Links for Summer One 2023: Service



This half term our value for Collective Worship is Justice. Please have a look at the Home School Values sheets below to see how you can support us!

Home School Value Spring 2023 - Justice



The value that we are learning about in Collective Worship this half term is Perseverance.


Please have a look at the Home School values below so you can support your child with our learning in this area.

Home School Value for the first half of the spring term - Pereverance



This half term our theme is TRUST. Below you will find the Home School Values sheets with activities that you can do at home to encourage your child to think more about the value. There is a great story, The Storm on the Lake as well as some Words of Wisdom. I particularly liked the fascinating fact section which was all about the Royal National Lifeboat Institute!

Home School Value for the second half of the autumn term.



This half term our theme is Thankfulness. The Home School Values has lots of activities that you might want to do at home with your child! There is a story to read together and a jumbled word quiz to try. There is also a Home School Challenge making a thank you chain. It would be lovely to add some of these to the display in the Hall so please bring them in.

Home School Value for the first half of the Autumn Term - Thankfulness

Home School Values for the Second half of the summer term: RESPECT


Our value for the last half term of the academic year is respect. Please have a look at the activities below so you can join in with your child! The story to read together about Moses and the Burning Bush is one that I know the children will enjoy. The American Indian Tale story is also one to make your children think.


There is a home school challenge for your child to paint or draw a picture of someone they respect. It would be lovely to add their art work to the display in the Hall.

Home School Value for the second half of the summer term - Respect



This term our theme for Collective Worship is Friendship.


Please see the Home School Values sheets to see what activities you can do to support us.

Home School Values: Friendship



This half term our theme for Collective Worship is Forgiveness.


Please find the sheets with activities that you can do with your children at home! It would be lovely to see some of the activities so please do send them in.



We are learning the Lord's Prayer in sign language in preparation for our Easter service. Please see the link below to practice with your children.

Home School Value: Spring Two - Forgiveness



Our theme for the first half term of 2022 is Courage. 


In the document below you will find lots of different things that you can do with your child. All the activities are worthwhile but I would draw your attention to the Talk Together section and the Family Focus with the Home School Challenge. It would be great to see any nominations that you and your children make.

Home School Values: Spring One - Courage



Our theme for Collective Worship this half term is going to be compassion.


In the PDF document below you will find lots of exciting things to do with your child / children at home. As ever there are things to talk about and things to read together. There is a quiz and even Words of Wisdom.


This theme will tie in closely with Anti Bullying Week which is starting on the 15th November, with its theme of Kindness and the Home School link has a section called Family Focus which looks at Random Acts of Kindness.


We hope that you will enjoy working through these activities!

Home School Values for Autumn Two: Compassion



Our value for Christian Worship this half term is Generosity. The document below provides you with different things that you can do at home to support your children.


There is a TALK ABOUT section where you will find a short introduction and some questions for you to discuss with your child.


There's a READ TOGETHER piece which is a Bible story that has been written for you to read aloud to your child.


WORDS OF WISDOM is a wise saying for you to reflect on.


FASCINATING FACTS which contains facts to amaze you and marvel at, all to do with this half term's theme.


FAMILY FOCUS here you will find a fun activity that you can use with the whole family.


There is the HOME SCHOOL CHALLENGE which is something that you can make to bring into school for our Generosity board in the hall!


Finally, there is a HALL OF FAME, which has details of an inspirational character who has demonstrated Generosity in the way that they have lived their life.


We hope that by providing you with these details you will be able to share this with your child so that you are able to take an active part in our Collective Worship at home!

Generosity - Home School Value AUTUMN ONE 2021

Our theme for Collective Worship this half term is SERVICE. Please take a look at the document below which is filled with ideas of how you can explore the value of service together at home.

Easter gardens


Rev. Sally has been in school sharing the Easter story with each Unit bubble over the last couple of days. One of the activities the children worked on with her was creating an Easter garden (see the photos below)

Spring Term - January 2021

Although, the majority of you will be learning from home this half term, we would still like you to spend some time learning about our Collective Worship theme - Perseverance. Each Unit will be sending home some Bible stories, prayers and other activities every week for you and your family. Below are some fun activities based on perseverance for the family to do together alongside topics to discuss and reflect upon.


Last week, Rev Sally Letman came to lead our collective worship about Christingle. Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’. They are used by Christians to celebrate Jesus as the Light of the World and are usually used in Church services during advent.

Christingles were introduced into Anglican churches in England in 1968 and the first Christingle service raised money for the Children’s Society charity. 

A Christingle is made from an orange, red ribbon, four small sticks, dried fruits or sweets and a lit candle.

Take a look at the gallery of photos showing the children learning about and making their own Christingles.

Remembrance Day 2020


During the last week, our pupils have been very busy painting a poppy on a pebble ready for our Remembrance Day service. The children placed their poppy on a pebble in our Reflective Garden and had time to think about the brave soldiers, past and present, who protect us and our country.


A group of Unit 2 children also visited the War Memorial in the village to place their pebbles on the memorial. In addition to this, they also visited the War Grave in St Mary's churchyard where Rev. Lettman spoke to them about what poppies represent and closed with a prayer. Two children laid their pebble at the grave.


Please have a look at the pictures below.

Remembrance Day 2020

Remembrance Day 2020 - Visit to Capel St Mary's War Memorial and War grave at St Mary's Church

Unit 3's reflective area

What are you thankful for?

The children have been invited to write down something they are thankful for in each day if they would like to and post it in our thankfulness box. At the end of each day, we share what things they have been thankful for that day.

These are some of the things the children have been thankful for:

I am thankful for water

I am thankful for my friends

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for sunny days at school

I am thankful for my teachers

I am thankful for maths

I am thankful for my friends playing with me

I am thankful for us all being back at school together

I am thankful for books

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

(Alice Morse Earle)

 This half term's theme is THANKFULNESS


Click on the THANKFULNESS star below to find fun activities based on thankfulness for the family to do together alongside topics to discuss and reflect upon.


Although we are unable to hold whole school collective worship at the moment, Collective Worship remains an important part of our day at Capel. We will continue to focus on a Christian Value each half term but this will take place in our classrooms and within our Unit Bubbles instead. This week we have set up Thankfulness boxes where children can write or draw something they have been thankful for that day and post it into the box. At the end of each day or week, we then share what people have been thankful for.




Teaspoon (tsp) Prayers - 27th February 2020


Teaspoon prayers contain a thank you, a sorry and a please in them. In class based worship, the children wrote their own teaspoon prayers. Here are some from Unit 2:


Dear Lord,

Thank you for the food we have and how lucky we are.

Sorry for the wrong things we've done in life.

Please help me to stop getting so mad at my brother and sister.



Dear Lord,

Thank you for helping me when times are rough.

Sorry for when I said sorry but did not mean it.

Please help me to know when to say sorry.



Dear Lord,

Thank you for helping us to save the planet.

Sorry for all the damage we do to earth and its life.

Please help us to think before we do things in life.



Dear Lord,

Thank you for giving us a life on earth to make mistakes and be forgiven.

Sorry for losing my temper and getting angry at others.

Please help me to feel happier on earth even when times are tough.



Dear Lord,

Thank you for our animals and the plants.

Sorry that we don't always respect living souls.

Please help us to respect all living things and each and every plant.


Open the Book - Friday 7th February 2020


Once a month, we are lucky enough to welcome our local Open the Book team to our collective worship. Whenever we talk to the children about Collective Worship, so many of them tell us that they really enjoy the Open the Book team coming in and that these are some of their favourite Collective Worships.

The team, along with some help from several children volunteers, perform a different story from the Bible each time. This month, it was the story of Jesus' first miracle - turning water into wine.

The message shared with the children was that when you are finding things difficult or things aren't going your way, it is always good to ask for help.

CHRISTMAS SERVICE - 19th December 2019

The whole school enjoyed taking part in our Christmas Service at St Mary's Church yesterday where the children presented Hosanna Rock - a musical version of the Christmas Story. Groups of children read parts of the story, some acted it out whilst the rest of the school sang songs to accompany them. In addition to this, the Music Group delighted us all with their singing for two of the songs.

Kevin Ross, one of our Governors, closed the service with a heart-felt message thanking us for all that we do and recognising that the future will be bright due to the wonderful children we have at Capel St Mary CEVC School.

HARVEST SERVICE - Friday 11th October


Today, the whole school walked down to St Mary's Church for our Harvest Service. Mr Cornish led the service by reminding us of the importance of Harvest and how our generosity of giving food items helps those in need. Each unit shared something they had been working on in class: Early Years sang a Harvest song and showed us their beautiful artwork and all other units read a selection of the Autumn and Harvest poems they had been writing in class recently to coincide with National Poetry Day.

It was lovely to welcome parents, grandparents and friends at the Church and share our service with you. Thank you for coming along and joining in.


