Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
We are an LA maintained Church of England VC primary school and have a Governing Board of 13: 2 Foundation governors, 3 elected parent governors, 1 elected Staff governor, 1 LA governor, 5 co-opted governors and the Headteacher. With the exception of the Headteacher, we each have a four-year term of office.
We aim to have a Governing Board with a diversity of experience and be representative of our local community.
The Governing Board has three main roles:
· To provide strategic direction for the school
· To act as a critical friend to the Headteacher
· To ensure accountability.
These main roles include some important duties:
· Determining how the school budget is spent
· Forming policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
· An involvement in Personnel matters
· Setting standards for pupil's behaviour and discipline
· Making sure that School buildings are welcoming and safe
· Setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies
The Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the school.
Most of our work is done through our two main committees: Learning, Standards and Achievement (LS&A) and Leadership & Management (L&M) which each meet twice per term. The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets once, towards the end of each term. We also have a Pay committee and other committees who are convened as necessary.
We expect Governors to sit on one of our main committees and we also visit the school regularly, both to get to know the school and staff and to carry out our monitoring roles.
Governors can be contacted by emailing the school;
Meet the Governors
Alice Harris
I have lived in Capel for most of my life and I was a pupil at the school. Now my child is a pupil here, it has brought back fond memories of my school days. I was delighted to become a parent governor in 2022. I want to give something back to the school and assist the governing body and the Head Teacher to ensure the school provides the best education for the children. I want the children here to enjoy their journey through the school as much as I did. My career as a solicitor means that I am used to problem solving, negotiating and strategic thinking. I will use these skills to assist the governing body to ensure that the school achieves its full potential.
In my spare time, aside from running around after my two children, I enjoy playing netball and socialising with friends.
Alison Huard
I have been a Governor at Capel for a number of years, initially as a Parent Governor when our son was at the school and subsequently as a Co-opted Governor. My background is in Secondary Education, as a Science teacher for over 30 years and latterly as Deputy Head in Colchester until I retired. I now serve on Admissions Appeals Panels for Suffolk from time to time. I am privileged to have been asked to serve as Chair of Governors for the last few years.
I enjoy the opportunity to stay in contact with staff and children and support the School Council. Our pupils and staff must be at the forefront of the decisions we make as governors, always mindful of financial stability, innovation and creativity.
You will notice that my husband, Mike, is also a Governor so we enjoy many discussions at home about education!
Mike Huard
I have been a co-opted governor at Capel School since December, 2015 and currently hold the nominated safeguarding governor role on the school governing body. I also sit on the Constable Country Medical Practice Patient Participation Group. Now retired, my background was in criminal justice, where I worked for the Probation Service and latterly in Prison Education. I feel it is important to support the school, our students, and the whole staff, and not forgetting parents/carers and our local community as we all work to ensure our children have the opportunity to fulfil their academic and personal potential.
Rev'd Sally Letman
I have 30 years’ experience in the education sector, both private and independent. I began her teaching career in Handsworth, Birmingham before relocating to Suffolk. I was Assistant Head at Ipswich High School for Girls, focusing on Pastoral Care, PHSE and Safeguarding until 2016. I worked for Schools Choice as a School and Governor Safeguarding trainer.
In 2020 I was Ordained Deacon and became a Priest in 2021. I am Curate in Charge in Capel St Mary and the Wenhams, soon to become permanent Priest in Charge, where I am supported by two wonderful congregations. I am honoured to be Governor at Capel St Mary Church of England primary school and I thoroughly enjoy going in for assemblies and when the children come to church!
I has a Border Terrier called Buzz Lightyear who keeps me fit!
Shirley Overton
My name is Shirley Overton. I have been a member of staff at Capel School since 2002 when my youngest child started in Reception. I have had several roles over the years including IT technician, Cover Supervisor, one to one learning support assistant and intervention teaching assistant. I have been lucky enough to accompany the year 6 children on their PGL week for the last 12 years.
I have been a governor for over 14 years. My role as Health and Safety Governor includes ensuring that Health and Safety policies comply with legislation and meet best practice. I carry out regular checks of the premises to ensure that the school is a physically safe environment for children and staff to work in. I also enable the support staff to have a representative on the governing body.
I am the link governor for PSHE which involves liaising with the subject co-ordinator to discuss and monitor the subject in school.
Sharon Pearce
My name is Sharon Pearce. I have been a member of staff here at the school for 10 year. I am the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead. I also lead Maths, PSHE and am an induction Tutor for Early Career Teachers. I am a Designated Safeguarding Lead. I have a full time class responsibility for year 5 and 6 where I am the Unit lead. Each spring, I have the pleasure of leading the residential trip with year 6 children – a role I love and have been doing for 9 years.
The position of Staff Governor is one I have held for over 6 years. I am elected by the school staff; my role is to represent them. I share their views and where, appropriate, their concerns with the governing body and act as a conduit between staff and the governing body.
Kevin Ross
I lived in New Zealand for a number of years, working as an accountant and also as an entertainer for many years. Since returning to the UK I have been active in the St Mary’s church community and am now doing fundraising and public speaking as an ambassador for Guide Dogs.
You will recognise me around the village as I usually have my guide dog, Bowler, with me.
Christine Wheeler
I have lived in Capel St Mary for over 23 years and my children attended the nursery and primary school. I am a registered nurse and health visitor with experience in hospital nursing, health visiting, school immunisations and enuresis. In June, I will commence my new role as community staff nurse within the children's Healthy Living Service. I have several years of experience in leadership and management but now work part time so that I can spend time with my young grandchildren.
I became a governor in November 2023 and I am delighted to have the link governor role for children who require specialist educational services.
Fiona Ault
We moved to Capel St Mary in November 2020 and have been really impressed by how welcome everyone has made us feel. It is a real pleasure to live in the village and be part of the community.
I was appointed as a local authority governor in January 2024 and I am really enjoying my role as a governor. I hope to meet as many parents as possible over the coming months and years.
I have enjoyed a career in banking and financial services spanning over 35 years and have been fortunate enough to have a variety of different roles during that time. I have gained experience in project management, vendor/contract management including governance and oversight, operational management, complaint handling and issue resolution. Financial Services is a highly regulated industry and I am used to assessing the impact of regulatory change. I hope that my experience in business will enable me to contribute to the ongoing success of the school.