Our suppliers for uniform are School Trends (www.schooltrends.co.uk) and PGM Schoolwear shop in Ipswich.
Here is a list of our school uniform
Daily uniform
- Grey trousers, grey shorts, grey knee length skirt, grey pinafore, blue checked dress, blue checked shorts and top combination (cycle shorts under skirts and dresses are not permitted – if your child wishes to wear shorts they must be part of the uniform choices stated above)
- White polo shirt with or without the school logo
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo
- Grey socks, white socks (girls), grey tights
- Black shoes (not trainers or boots)
- Hair bands - if your child wears a hair band please could you make sure that this is the same colour as the blue of the school uniform and not too large.
- Indoors
- Black shorts
- Pale blue polo shirt with or without the school logo
- EYFS/KS1 plimsolls
- KS2 trainers
- PE kit must be in a drawstring bag
- Outdoors (in addition to the items outlined above)
- Plain tracksuit or jogging bottoms and sweatshirt – preferably navy blue (not their school sweatshirt)
- KS1 outdoor trainers
Other items:
- Royal blue fleeces with a school logo are also available to purchase as an alternative to an outdoor coat
- EYFS/KS1 must have a book bag (NOT a rucksack)
- KS2 need a reasonable sized rucksack
- Water bottle – containing WATER
- Jewellery – the children must not wear jewellery in school – one sensible watch (that does not take photographs or connect to the internet) is permitted
- Earrings – small stud earrings are allowed but they MUST be able to remove them themselves for PE lessons. If your child has recently had their ears pierced and cannot remove the earring then it is approrpriate for parents to tape the earrings for safety reasons. This may result in the child not being able to participate in the full range of activities if their is still a risk of injury. The school will not provide tape routinely.
- Long hair should be tied back on a daily basis and MUST be tied back for PE (for safety reasons and to avoid the spread of head lice)
- Nail polish should not be worn in school
We hold some stock of book bags in school.
Please note branded stock is available from School Trends but we do appreciate that this can be an expensive option. There is no compulsion on parents to buy this branded uniform however we do request that the children wear the school colours. We also offer a badge service so that cheaper jumpers / tshirts can be purchased which then allows parents to sew the logo onto the item. These are available from the office at a cost of £1.50 per badge.
We are in the process of setting up a second hand uniform shop - please check back to this page for details.
Stamptastic is a great way to label all the things your children bring to school and makes some money towards school funds
School Uniform Secondhand Shop
From September 2024 parents may avail themselves of the School Second Hand Uniform shop. Items that were unclaimed at the end of the previous academic year that are unnamed will be available for parents to use.
There is no cost for this service but a voluntary contribution is requested.