Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
Summer Term News
Forest School is a wonderful opportunity for children to play and learn outdoors and to experience nature first hand. At Forest School children are given real freedom to explore and discover in an exciting woodland environment.
Mrs Dix recently qualified as a Level 3 Forest School leader and is currently having weekly sessions with both Reception classes. The children are absolutely loving the freedom that they are given and are always excited and enthusiastic to get involved,
This week Dotty in year 1 presented the School with 'Twigsy' who is adorable. Dotty absolutely loves Forest School and made this interactive nature activity at home for all the children to enjoy and have fun playing with.
If you would like to help with Forest School at Capel St Mary Primary School, we are always looking for tree stumps, tarpaulins, ropes (in good condition), saplings, old metal saucepans and tea pots. If you have any of these, please get in touch with Mrs Dix.