Home Page

Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School

With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35

Unit 3

Welcome to the Unit Three Web Page


Welcome to the Unit Three web page. Here you will find galleries of pictures as well as information that showcases what we are doing. 

You will also find details of our homework tasks when you click on the stars.

Please check back weekly so you can see what we are doing.


 Meet the team


Mrs vanGameren (formally Pearce), Senior Mental Health, Well-being and Pastoral Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Maths Lead, and Unit 3 Leader, teaches the year 5 and 6 ‘Owls’ class.

Mrs Goldfinch is Art Lead and teaches  in the year 5 and 6 ‘Foxes’ class.

Ms Fisher is RE Lead and teaches in the year 5 and 6  ‘Woodpeckers' class.

Mrs Sumner will be working as the teacher in Owls class on a Tuesday through the Autumn term


Mrs Overton and Mrs Hambling are our Cover Supervisors/Higher Level Teaching Assistants.

Mrs Percy is one of our Learning Support Assistants, providing valuable support for your children.

Miss Keeley will be working with us a Trainee Teacher this year. she will be based primarily in owls class.


Please check back at least weekly.

Unit 3 had great fun creating Christmas angels from toilet rolls at their Christmas party on 18.12.24

Our Annual Recommended Reads list for 2024/25 can be found here!

*******NEW!!!! Year 6 maths methods help sheet******************
