Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains.
Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
We are an Ofsted 'Good' School
Come and visit our Nursery in our Early Years Unit
Capel St Mary CEVC Primary is a highly inclusive, happy and thriving School. We are very proud of our children’s caring behaviour and attitudes. The respect and kindness they demonstrate daily to each other and everyone around them is wonderful to see. We are also very proud of the great progress they make with their learning and the enthusiastic way they approach their lesson.
We have up to 45 children in each year group from Foundation to Year 6 on roll. We also have 26 part-time places for children in our Nursery for 3 and 4 year olds.
We are a Church of England School and have strong and positive links with St Mary’s Church and other churches in the village. This includes visits to Church for special occasions and visitors from Church for assemblies.
Our attendance figures are high because we know our children enjoy coming to school. Our parents are supportive and very keen for their children to do well.
We use the letters of our School name CAPEL to give us our school drivers… our children come to school to Care, Achieve, Persevere, Enjoy and Learn!
We believe that every child is a tiny seed seed with the potential to become a mighty oak. Our biblical foundation comes from the story of the mustard seed in the book of Matthew:
"With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains"
Matthew 13, verses 31 - 35
The Governing Body is active and committed to the following strategic priorities:
The quality of teaching and learning is excellent. Learners make strong progress to reach and exceed their potential from their starting points.
The curriculum provided is broad, balanced and exciting it engages all learners.
Leadership is highly effective and is developed at all levels in order to manage change effectively.
All learners are supported and taught how to be safe at all times. Learners are taught how to keep themselves safe in the future.
The provision is excellent whilst remaining sustainable within the budget framework.
The Governors work with the staff to implement these priorities to ensure the continued success of the school and its continued development.
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