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Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School

With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35

Travel Arrangements

Dear Parents and Carers of Year Six Pupils,


Is your child eligible for SCC funded school travel? If they are, you will need to opt-in by Monday (31 May 2021) to receive travel for the start of the 2021/2022 school term.
If your child already receives SCC funded travel you still need to opt in every year. To find out more visit Suffolk on Board - School travel / Opt-in (apply).
Guide to SCC funded school travel policy 2021



Friday 26th February, 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,


Suffolk County Council has produced the following message regarding travel arrangements for children. This will be of particular interest to those parents who have children in Year Six and their possible arrangements in September:


Message to parents If your child is eligible for SCC funded school travel you will need to opt-in by 31 May 2021 to receive travel for the start of the 2021/2022 school term. If your child already receives SCC funded travel you still need to opt-in every year. If your child is starting secondary school in September 2021 and they are eligible for SCC funded school travel you will be contacted by the 30 March 2021. You will need to opt-in if you would like your child to use this service. If your child is starting primary school in September 2021 and they are eligible for SCC funded school travel you will be contacted by the 15 May 2021. You will need to opt in if you would like your child to use this service.


For more information on the SCC school travel policy and getting your child to school please visit;


Sean Cornish


Travel Arrangements Poster

Travelling to School


Suffolk County Council have produced some You Tube clips to support parents in the different ways of travelling to school.


Please see below for details:
