Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
Reward Systems
Dojo Points
To reward the children for their hard work we will continue to use the Dojo points reward system. During the week the children will collect points for themselves and the child in each class with the most points will be rewarded in our celebration assembly at the end of the week as ‘Learner of the Week’. The children can earn points for a huge variety of reasons including: super behaviour choices, excellent work, listening, kindness, focus during lessons, contributions to discussions, working hard (and anything else we can think of!).
Star of the Week
We will also choose one child in each class who has stood out for their attitude towards school life and learning to be our ‘Star of the Week’. They will also be rewarded in our celebration assembly at the end of the week.