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Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School

With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35

School and British Values


Vision and Ethos

Our vision is that Capel will provide an environment where children are nurtured and encouraged to be the best that they can be. The school community will deliver on achievement in learning by:

  • having a broad and balanced curriculum with high quality teaching,
  • enabling children to feel valued and inspired to learn through perseverance,
  • celebrating achievement.


Capel St Mary is a highly inclusive, happy and thriving School. We are very proud of our children’s caring behaviour and attitudes. The respect and kindness they demonstrate daily to each other and everyone around them is wonderful to see. We are also very proud of the great progress they make with their learning and the enthusiastic way they approach their lessons.

We are a Church of England School and Christian values, including faith, hope and love, are embedded in all our work.

We use the letters of our School name C A P E L to give us our motto… our children come to school to Care, Achieve, Persevere, Enjoy and Learn!


Religious Ethos

This is underlined by our Christian vision which comes from Matthew 13, verses 31 to 35. 'With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains.' Our C A P E L dovetails with this story that Jesus told. We want all of our children to demonstrate our school qualities while believing in themselves in a caring and supportive way. 

In the future we hope that the foundation that we have given will enable the children to care for each other and the wider community to become the mighty oak that the story describes giving support and providing God's love to others.

British Values:


As a staff and a Governing Body we discussed our approach to British Values in the first part of the Spring Term 2024. What follows is a document which illustrates what we do.

British Values Opportunities at the school
