Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School
With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35
Wednesday 8th January 2025
Homework this week. There is NO MATHS OR ENGLISH HOMEWORK THIS WEEK!
The children have a science based homework this week in addition to reading a minimum of four times a week.
The children need to complete a fluid intake chart for the week running from tomorrow (Wednesday 8th January)until next Tuesday evening. The completed chart should be returned to their class teacher next Wednesday (15th January). The children will need this for their science lesson the following week. Each child has been given a copy of the fluid intake chart. The children have been given clear instructions on how to complete their chart but if you have any queries please message me directly. This does not have to be 100% accurate, the children have been told to just try their best to complete it. There will be NO HOMEWORK on the website this week.
There is no homework to be completed over the October half term other than reading. Please continue to read a minimum of four times a week.
Please do not print out the sheet.Write the date and the title at the top of the page - Use your DUMTUMS. Read the sentence. Ask yourself is the punctuation correct? Write the question number in the margin then write the sentence out with the correct punctuation. Remember to think about presentation and write in your best handwriting. Only use a pen if you have a black pen license.