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Capel St Mary CEVC Primary School

With faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. - Matthew 13 verses 31 - 35

Miss Fisher

Year 5 homework due in 12th March. Year 6 should complete Mrs V's homework. This is a tricky one, I suggest making the shape from some paper and physically moving it. Any issues please Dojo me.

Homework due in 5th March. Below is for Year 5 only. Year 6 should complete the work set by Mrs vanGameren. Year 5 remember we go across first then up or down.

Hand in 26th February-There is no Maths Homework over half term. Please look under the English star for your homework.

Year 6 should complete Mrs vanGameren's homework.  Year 5 I have printed and given the children the resources they need.



From this week on (15th January) Year 6 pupils in my group should complete Mrs vanGameren's homework.  Any questions please message me.

Homework due in 12th February

Year 6 should complete Mrs vanGameren's homework.  Year 5 have been given their homework as a print out.

YEAR 5 homework due in 29.1.25. YEAR 6 should complete Mrs vanGameren's homework. If there are any problems with this week's homework please get in touch via Class Dojo. We have practiced the method in class but it is the opposite method to last week's homework.

Miss Fisher's homework due in 22.1.25 for Year 5 ONLY. Remember the method is divide the number by the denominator and multiply the answer by the numerator. Lay our your work like we have done in class, if you are unsure look at the Maths SATS help sheet on the unit 3 page of the website.

Miss Fisher's homework has been printed off this week.  If you have any queries please contact me through Class Dojo.  Homework is due on 18th December.

Miss F

Miss Fisher's homework has been printed this week and handed to the children.  If you have any issues please contact me through Class Dojo.  Homework is due on 11.12.24

Miss F

Hand in 4th Dec - Please choose your level 1,2,or 3 stars. Complete only 1 sheet and spend no more than 30 mins on your homework. Remember to use a place value chart to help you solve the questions.

Maths homework due 27th November

Maths homework due in 20th November 2024.

The children have been given a sheet to work from.  Please work for only 30 minutes then stop.  

Year 6 - I have included the method the children need to use for long division, this is from the National Curriculum and must be used as this is what markers will use in SATs.  If you need further help there is a SATs method help sheet on the Unit 3 page or Dojo me.


Miss Fisher

Miss Fisher's group homework due 13th November

Homework due 23.10.24 finding common multiples. Remember that a common multiple is a multiple that appears in both the sets of times tables you are looking at. Eg a common multiple of 2 and 3 would be 6.

Homework due 16th October. Some of the children will have been given a sheet of homework. Only complete this if I have not given your child a printed sheet. Please only work for 30 minutes.

Maths homework due 9th October 2024.  I have given the children this as a paper copy for this week as we are working at different levels.

Any questions come and ask or get in touch via Class Dojo.

First maths homework of the year! This homework is due on 25th September for Miss Fisher's maths group. You may print this and stick it in your book or just write your answers. Do whatever is easier for you to understand. Please self mark, the answers are included and this helps your child go over their mistakes while it is fresh in their head. Please only work for 30 minutes. We have covered partitioning in class but have found this tricky. Please come and ask if you need help. Miss F
